Showing posts with label Ohio. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ohio. Show all posts

Quantim® QMC Coriolis Mass Flow Meters & Controllers

Quantim® QMC Coriolis Mass Flow Meters & Controllers

The Brooks Instrument Quantim® QMC Coriolis Mass Flow Meter and Controller is a sophisticated device designed to address the needs of precise flow measurement and control in various industrial applications. This third-generation instrument is engineered to enhance process quality, production yield, and throughput while minimizing the time required for scaling up from laboratory settings to pilot plants and full-scale production.

The Quantim® QMC Coriolis Mass Flow Meter and Controller offers superior accuracy and stability, particularly in applications requiring very low flow rates of gases and liquids. It achieves this through a proprietary stainless steel sensor unaffected by fluid type or process conditions, ensuring consistent and reliable measurements. The device's accuracy is specified at 0.2% of the rate for liquids and 0.5% for gases, with repeatability at 0.05%, making it one of the most precise instruments available for low-flow applications.

The Quantim® QMC series stands out with its unique ability to provide direct mass flow measurement, a feature that is inherently more accurate than volumetric flow measurement. This is because it is unaffected by changes in temperature and pressure, making it crucial in applications such as catalyst research, chemical pilot plants, thin film coating, fiber-optic cable production, and semiconductor wafer processing. In these fields, precise flow control is essential to ensure product quality and process efficiency.

The Quantim® QMC series also supports multivariable outputs, including mass flow, volume flow, density, and temperature, providing comprehensive data for process monitoring and control. Advanced diagnostics and in situ alarms help operators proactively identify and address system issues, reducing downtime and maintenance costs. Additionally, the device's IoT-equipped digital architecture enables faster response times with minimal overshoot when adjusting flow rates, enhancing the precision of control operations.

Another advantage of the Quantim® QMC series is its compatibility with prior models. The new devices are form-, fit-, and function-compatible with earlier Quantim® models, allowing for seamless integration into existing systems. This backward compatibility, combined with upgraded I/O communication options and the support of the Brooks Instrument BEST software package, simplifies the process of device configuration, diagnostics, troubleshooting, and tuning.

The Quantim® QMC Coriolis Mass Flow Meter and Controller is designed to address several common challenges in flow measurement and control. Traditional flow meters often struggle with accuracy and stability at low flow rates and can be affected by changes in fluid properties. The Coriolis technology employed in the Quantim® QMC overcomes these issues by measuring the actual mass flow directly, independent of fluid type or environmental conditions. This makes it an ideal solution for processes where maintaining precise flow control is critical.

Moreover, the device's robust construction using high-grade materials such as 316L stainless steel and optional metal seals ensures durability and compatibility with a wide range of process fluids. The ability to handle a broad range of operating pressures and temperatures further extends its applicability across different industries.

In conclusion, the Brooks Instrument Quantim® QMC Coriolis Mass Flow Meter and Controller is a highly capable and versatile tool designed to meet the demanding requirements of modern industrial processes. Its advanced features, including high accuracy, stability, multivariable outputs, and enhanced diagnostics, make it valuable for improving process control, quality, and efficiency in various applications. By addressing the limitations of traditional flow measurement technologies, the Quantim® QMC series sets a new standard for low-flow measurement and control solutions.

Miller Energy, Inc.

The Future of Industrial Valve Automation: Innovations and Trends for the Next Five Years

The Future of Industrial Valve Automation: Innovations and Trends for the Next Five Years

As industries evolve, the demand for more innovative, efficient, and safer valve automation technologies becomes paramount. Over the next five years, significant advancements will reshape the landscape of industrial valve automation. These innovations will improve operational efficiency, safety, environmental sustainability, and integration capabilities.

Enhanced Predictive Maintenance Capabilities

One of the most significant trends will be the advancement of predictive maintenance technologies. Valve automation systems will predict failures before they occur by leveraging the power of Internet of Things (IoT) sensors and advanced analytics. This proactive approach will drastically reduce downtime and maintenance costs. Companies will integrate sensors directly into valve actuators, collecting real-time pressure, temperature, and flow rate data. Advanced algorithms will analyze this data to predict wear and tear, enabling maintenance teams to address issues before they lead to system failures.

Integration of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) will be crucial in the next generation of valve automation systems. These technologies will enhance decision-making processes, allowing for real-time adjustments and optimization of valve operations. AI-driven systems will analyze historical and real-time data to optimize flow rates, reduce energy consumption, and minimize emissions, improving efficiency and contributing to more sustainable industrial practices.

Development of Smart Valves

The emergence of smart valves will revolutionize valve automation. These valves, equipped with embedded sensors and connectivity, will offer unprecedented control and monitoring capabilities. They will communicate directly with central control systems, providing detailed information about their status and the processes they control. This level of integration will enhance process efficiency, safety, and reliability.

Advancements in Safety and Security

As cyber threats become more sophisticated, the need for secure valve automation systems has never been greater. Over the next five years, we will see significant advancements in the security protocols of valve automation systems. Manufacturers will incorporate advanced encryption methods and cybersecurity measures to protect against unauthorized access and cyber-attacks. Additionally, safety features will advance to protect against physical threats, such as overpressure or chemical leaks, enhancing overall plant safety.

Greater Compatibility and Standardization

Interoperability between different systems and components will become a key focus. The industry will move towards greater standardization and compatibility, facilitating easier integration of valve automation systems with other hardware and software. This will allow for more flexible and scalable solutions, enabling businesses to adapt quickly to changing market demands.


The next five years will bring transformative changes to industrial valve automation technology. With advancements in predictive maintenance, AI, intelligent valves, cybersecurity, and standardization, industries will achieve higher efficiency, safety, and sustainability levels. These innovations will drive operational excellence and pave the way for a more connected and intelligent industrial future. As we move forward, companies that embrace these advancements will lead the way in their respective fields, setting new standards for performance and innovation.

Miller Energy, Inc.

From Raw Materials to Finished Products: Ensuring Quality with Industrial Process Refractometers in the Chemical Industry

From Raw Materials to Finished Products: Ensuring Quality with Industrial Process Refractometers in the Chemical Sector

Ensuring product quality while maintaining process safety and efficiency is paramount in the chemical processing industry. Industrial process refractometers are pivotal in meeting these challenges by providing accurate, real-time measurements of liquid concentration or density. These sophisticated instruments enable manufacturers to monitor and control the quality of raw materials and finished products, ensuring that they meet customer specifications and adhere to stringent safety standards.

Refractometers measure the refractive index of a substance, which changes with the concentration of solutes in a solution. This principle allows them to detect variations in the density or concentration of a liquid, which directly impacts the quality and consistency of chemical products. By integrating refractometers into the production line, manufacturers can conduct in-line monitoring without needing sample removal or lab analysis. This continuous, real-time feedback significantly enhances process control, allowing immediate adjustments to maintain product quality and consistency.

Moreover, the use of industrial process refractometers goes beyond quality control. They contribute significantly to process safety by detecting any deviations in the concentration of hazardous chemicals, thus preventing potentially dangerous situations and monitoring chemical compositions in real time, safeguarding against the risks posed by handling and processing dangerous substances, thereby protecting workers and the environment.

In addition to ensuring product quality and safety, refractometers optimize process efficiency and reduce energy consumption. By facilitating precise control over the production process, they help maintain operations within the optimal range, minimizing waste and reducing the need for costly rework or disposal of off-specification products. This conserves resources and lowers energy costs, as processes can be run at their most efficient points.

State-of-the-art process control management is another area where industrial process refractometers significantly impact. They are integral to advanced control systems, providing crucial data feeding automated decision-making processes. This integration enables chemical manufacturers to achieve high levels of process automation, ensuring consistent product quality through precise control of production variables. Such advanced management systems are essential for maintaining competitiveness in the fast-paced chemical industry, where customer demands for quality and environmental regulations continuously evolve.

Furthermore, the versatility of refractometers allows deployment across a wide range of chemical processes, including those involving aggressive or corrosive substances. Modern refractometers withstand harsh industrial environments, ensuring reliable performance and long service life. This durability is crucial for maintaining continuous operation in processes where uptime is critical to productivity and profitability.

In conclusion, industrial process refractometers are:
  • Indispensable tools in the chemical processing industry.
  • Offering a multifaceted approach to ensuring product quality.
  • Enhancing process safety.
  • Improving efficiency.

Their ability to provide accurate, in-line measurements of liquid concentration or density enables manufacturers to control production processes precisely, ensuring that finished products meet the exacting standards demanded by customers. By integrating refractometers into their operations, chemical manufacturers safeguard their workforce and the environment and position themselves to thrive in a competitive and ever-evolving industry landscape.

Miller Energy, Inc.

The Importance and Uses of Variable Area Flowmeters (Rotameters) in Industrial Applications

The Importance and Uses of Variable Area Flowmeters (Rotameters) in Industrial Applications

Variable area flowmeters, known as rotameters, have long been a staple in various industries, from chemical processing to water treatment. They offer a simple yet effective method for measuring the flow rate of liquids and gases. Understanding the importance and the vast array of applications they serve can underscore the reason behind their continued relevance in the industrial landscape.

How Does a Rotameter Work?

Before diving into its uses and importance, it's essential to grasp the basic operation of a rotameter. A rotameter consists of a tapered tube, typically made of glass or clear plastic, with a float inside. As fluid flows through the tube, it raises the float. The float's height corresponds to the flow rate, read from a scale marked on the tube.

The float's upward movement is due to the balance between the buoyant force exerted by the fluid and the gravitational force pulling the float downwards. When these forces reach equilibrium, the float stabilizes at a particular height, allowing for flow rate measurement.

Importance of Rotameters in Industrial Applications

Simplicity and Reliability: Rotameters have no moving parts other than the float itself, resulting in less wear and tear and ensuring a long service life. Their simple design means fewer points of failure, translating to increased reliability.

  • Cost-Effective: Due to their uncomplicated design and construction, rotameters are generally more affordable than many other flowmeter types, making them a preferred choice for applications where cost is a significant concern.
  • Direct Readout: Rotameters provide an immediate visual indication of the flow rate, eliminating the need for additional electronic devices or readout systems, particularly useful in environments where electronic instrumentation may be impractical or undesirable.
  • Flexibility: Rotameters apply for both liquids and gases, provided the appropriate float material and tube size are selected.
  • Low Maintenance: With few moving parts and no electronic components, rotameters require minimal maintenance, reducing operational downtime.
  • No Power Requirement: Rotameters operate without external power sources, making them ideal for locations where power availability is a challenge.

Common Uses of Rotameters in Industry

  • Chemical Processing: Rotameters are extensively used in chemical plants to monitor and regulate the flow of raw materials, intermediates, and finished products. Their ability to handle aggressive chemicals, assuming construction with compatible materials, makes them suitable.
  • Water Treatment: In water treatment plants, rotameters help monitor and control the flow of water and treatment chemicals, ensuring effective treatment and efficient plant operation.
  • Gas Distribution: Industries that utilize various gases, like nitrogen, oxygen, or carbon dioxide, use rotameters to monitor and regulate gas flow, ensuring optimal process conditions.
  • Pharmaceuticals: Ensuring precise flow rates is crucial in the pharmaceutical industry. Rotameters help regulate the flow of solvents, active ingredients, and other fluids, maintaining the consistency and quality of drug products.
  • Laboratories: Rotameters are commonly found in research and analytical labs, allowing scientists to control the flow of gases or liquids in experiments precisely.
  • Food and Beverage: The food industry uses rotameters for tasks such as regulating the flow of ingredients in food processing or managing cleaning agents in CIP (Clean-In-Place) systems.
  • HVAC Systems: In heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems, rotameters help ensure the proper flow of refrigerants and other fluids, guaranteeing system efficiency.

In the vast landscape of industrial applications, rotameters stand out for their simplicity, reliability, and versatility. Whether dealing with chemical processing, water treatment, or any other industry, having a dependable flow measurement device cannot be overstated. With its proven track record, the variable area flowmeter continues to be a valuable tool in various sectors, underlining the time-tested principle that, sometimes, simplicity is the highest form of sophistication.

Miller Energy, Inc.

High-Performance Non-Slam Check Valves

High-Performance Non-Slam Check Valves

The industrial sector demands reliable and efficient machinery to support complex processes. High performance non-slam check valves are integral to these industrial systems, ensuring smooth, uninterrupted operations. 

Advantages of using non-slam check valves in industrial process applications:

Swift Response Time: Non-slam check valves react quickly to flow changes. They have a short disc stroke, which means the valve disc travels a small distance from fully open to fully closed. This quick response time prevents the sudden surge or water hammer, thus protecting the pipeline systems.

Minimized Water Hammer: Water hammer occurs when fluid in motion suddenly stops or changes direction. It creates a shock wave in the pipeline, damaging pipes, joints, and other equipment. The design of non-slam check valves enables them to close quickly but gradually before reverse flow begins. This mechanism minimizes the possibility of water hammer, enhancing the lifespan and operational efficiency of the system.

Reduced Pressure Drop: Non-slam check valves have a streamlined flow path and low head loss design, allowing optimal flow with minimal resistance. This reduced pressure drop translates to more energy-efficient operations and, in turn, reduces operational costs.

Longer Equipment Lifespan: Non-slam check valves are constructed from robust and high-quality materials, ensuring a longer service life than traditional check valves. They are resistant to corrosion, erosion, and wear, which reduces the frequency of replacements and maintenance, saving time and resources in the long run.

Low Maintenance: The design of non-slam check valves, with its anti-slam feature, minimizes wear and tear on valve components. This low-maintenance aspect of the non-slam check valves means fewer operational disruptions and reduced maintenance costs.

Versatility: Non-slam check valves are suitable for various industrial applications, including chemical processing, power generation, water treatment, oil and gas processing, and more. Their adaptability across multiple industries makes them a cost-effective and reliable choice for managing process flow.

Compact Design: Non-slam check valves are often more compact than traditional check valves, making them ideal for installations where space is at a premium. The smaller footprint allows for more flexibility in system design and ease of installation.

Enhanced Process Efficiency: The quick response time, minimized water hammer, and reduced pressure drop of non-slam check valves collectively lead to a more efficient process operation. These factors ensure the smooth flow of process materials, minimize downtime and reduce operational costs.

High performance non-slam check valves are crucial in industrial process applications. Their numerous benefits, including swift response time, minimized water hammer, reduced pressure drop, and enhanced process efficiency, make them invaluable in maintaining smooth and cost-effective industrial operations.

Miller Energy, Inc.

Vaisala Polaris™ Refractometers: Enhancing Process Efficiency and Product Quality

Vaisala Polaris™ Refractometers: Enhancing Process Efficiency and Product Quality

Industrial refractometers are pivotal in process automation, bolstering product uniformity, amplifying productivity, and curbing wastage. These tools determine a substance's refractive index, calculating the extent of light bending as it traverses a sample. This information furnishes critical data regarding a solution's composition and concentration, serving as a linchpin in several industrial operations.

These refractometers prove particularly beneficial in the food and beverage sector, enabling precise quantification of sugar content in various products such as juices and jams. They foster product consistency by ensuring uniformity in flavor and texture while fulfilling regulatory standards. Similarly, in pharmaceutical manufacturing, refractometers determine the concentration of active ingredients in medicines, which is crucial for their efficacy and safety. The pulp and paper industry and semiconductor manufacturing also leverage these devices to assess the concentration of dissolved solids at multiple production stages. Moreover, these instruments gauge the concentration of dissolved solids like salts and acids in chemical production, bolstering the production process's effectiveness.

Automating the refractive index measurement through industrial refractometers eliminates manual testing's need, cutting down on errors and augmenting process efficiency. It also helps reduce labor costs linked to manual testing. These automated refractometers can be integrated into broader process control systems, facilitating continuous monitoring and control of essential process parameters.

Vaisala, a frontrunner in creating and manufacturing environmental and industrial measurement systems, has introduced its new product, Vaisala Polaris™. This innovative product line enhances manufacturing processes, improving productivity, conserving resources and energy, and saving time across diverse industries and countless applications.

Vaisala Polaris™ leverages an optical measurement principle that coupled with the absence of moving parts, negates the need for regular maintenance. This feature positions the product as an efficient, reliable solution for businesses necessitating consistent measurement readings. The product easily synchronizes with Vaisala's Indigo520 transmitters right out of the box, ensuring a smooth setup process. Vaisala has also curated a library of over 500 concentration models to enable exact measurements of diverse dissolved solids, meeting clients' requirements.

With no risk of drift due to particles, bubbles, or color influencing the readings, Vaisala Polaris™ guarantees unmatched precision. Its long-term stability and absence of moving parts promise several years of consistent, accurate measurements. Moreover, Vaisala offers an Engineer to Order service for more extensive needs, enabling product customization to suit the specific requirements of their clients.

In summary, industrial refractometers are:
  • Indispensable tools in process automation.
  • Boosting product quality and uniformity.
  • Enhancing efficiency.
  • Minimizing waste and costs.
As automation technology progresses, these monitoring instruments' significance is poised to escalate in industrial environments. With its superior performance, Vaisala Polaris™ is a state-of-the-art technology ideally suited for your application.

Miller Energy, Inc.

Thermal Mass Flow Controllers & Meters for the Harshest Environments

Thermal Mass Flow Controllers & Meters for the Harshest Environments

Thermal Mass Flow Controllers (MFCs) play a crucial role in process control applications by precisely and accurately controlling gas flow rates in various processes. They are used across multiple industries and applications to ensure stable, repeatable, and efficient process conditions. Some of the critical areas where Thermal MFCs are applied include:

  1. Semiconductor Manufacturing: In semiconductor fabrication processes, such as chemical vapor deposition (CVD) and plasma etching, MFCs control the flow of process gases to maintain accurate gas ratios and reactant concentrations, ensuring consistent wafer quality.
  2. Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology: MFCs apply in processes such as fermentation, cell culture, and gas chromatography, where they regulate the flow of gases like oxygen, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen to maintain optimal growth conditions for biological cultures or to separate and analyze various compounds.
  3. Chemical Processing: In chemical synthesis and reaction control, MFCs manage the flow of reactants and carrier gases to maintain the proper stoichiometry and reaction conditions, ensuring high-quality product yields and safe operations.
  4. Solar Cell Manufacturing: MFCs apply in processes such as thin-film deposition and chemical etching, where they control the flow of process gases to create uniform layers and achieve precise etching profiles for high-efficiency solar cells.
  5. Fuel Cell Development: In fuel cell research and manufacturing, MFCs regulate the flow of hydrogen, oxygen, and other gases to maintain optimal conditions for efficient energy production and long-lasting performance.
  6. Environmental Monitoring: MFCs are used in air quality monitoring and emissions testing systems to control the flow of calibration gases, ensuring accurate measurements and compliance with environmental regulations.
  7. Laboratory Research: In various research applications, such as mass spectrometry, gas chromatography, and flow chemistry, MFCs provide precise control over gas flow rates for accurate analysis and experimental conditions.

Thermal Mass Flow Controllers are essential components in process control systems, providing the accuracy, precision, and repeatability required for maintaining optimal process conditions and ensuring high-quality results across diverse industries and applications.

Brooks Instrument SLAMf Series Thermal Mass Flow Controller

The Brooks Instrument SLAMf Series Thermal Mass Flow Controller is an innovative and cutting-edge solution for accurately controlling and measuring gas flow in a wide range of industries and applications. This state-of-the-art flow controller meets the highest performance, reliability, and flexibility standards, ensuring seamless integration into your process control systems.

The SLAMf Series boasts several unique features that set it apart from its competitors. With its patented MultiFlo™ technology, users can easily configure the controller for multiple gases and flow ranges without sacrificing accuracy or requiring recalibration. This results in a highly versatile device capable of meeting the demands of diverse applications.

Another standout feature of the SLAMf Series is its ultra-fast response time, facilitated by the advanced sensor design and high-speed digital signal processing. It ensures that your processes are consistently controlled with precision, minimizing the risk of variations and improving overall efficiency.

The robust construction and corrosion-resistant materials used in the SLAMf Series make it suitable for even the most challenging environments. Its compact design allows easy installation in tight spaces, making it an ideal choice for various industries, such as semiconductor manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, chemical processing, and research facilities.

Typical applications for the Brooks Instrument SLAMf Series Thermal Mass Flow Controller include gas mixing and blending, gas delivery, process control, and environmental monitoring. With its unparalleled performance, adaptability, and durability, the SLAMf Series is the ultimate choice for professionals seeking the best in flow control technology.

Miller Energy, Inc.

Process Mass Spectrometers

Process Mass Spectrometers

Process mass spectrometers are versatile analytical instruments that accurately identify and quantify chemical compounds in a sample based on their mass-to-charge ratios. Mass spectrometers are crucial in monitoring and regulating various processes in industrial process control applications to ensure product quality, safety, and efficiency. Here, we will list applications for mass spectrometers in process control.

  1. Process monitoring and optimization: Mass spectrometers continuously monitor the concentrations of various components in a process stream, providing real-time data on the composition of raw materials, intermediates, and final products. By analyzing these data, process engineers can quickly identify deviations from the desired process conditions and take corrective actions to optimize the process, reduce waste, improve energy efficiency, and improve overall process control.
  2. Leak detection and control: Mass spectrometers can detect and quantify leaks in industries where hazardous or volatile gases are involved. They can rapidly identify the presence of specific gases and quantify their concentrations, enabling prompt corrective actions to minimize the risk of accidents, environmental damage, and product contamination.
  3. Quality control and assurance: Mass spectrometers analyze product samples at various stages of the manufacturing process to ensure that they meet specified quality standards. They can identify and quantify impurities, contaminants, or undesired by-products that may affect the final product's performance, safety, or shelf life. This information is vital for maintaining product consistency and complying with regulatory requirements.
  4. Reaction monitoring and kinetic studies: In chemical and pharmaceutical industries, mass spectrometers can study reaction kinetics and monitor the progress of chemical reactions in real time. By determining the concentrations of reactants, intermediates, and products, researchers can better understand reaction mechanisms, optimize reaction conditions, and improve the overall process efficiency.
  5. Environmental monitoring and emissions control: Mass spectrometers are employed to monitor emissions from industrial processes, ensuring that they comply with environmental regulations. They can detect and quantify trace levels of pollutants, such as volatile organic compounds (VOCs), greenhouse gases, or particulate matter, helping industries to reduce their environmental impact and comply with legal requirements.
  6. Catalyst evaluation and development: Catalysts are crucial in many industrial processes, and mass spectrometers can evaluate their performance by monitoring the reaction products and intermediates. This information is valuable for developing and optimizing new catalysts, ensuring that they are efficient, selective, and stable under the required operating conditions.

In summary, mass spectrometers are indispensable tools in industrial process control applications. Their ability to provide rapid, accurate, and sensitive analyses of process streams, emissions, and products makes them invaluable for monitoring, optimization, and quality control. As a result, they play a significant role in ensuring the safety, efficiency, and sustainability of various industries.

9 Reasons Why Industrial Control Valves Fail

9 Reasons Why Industrial Control Valves Fail

9 Reasons Why Industrial Control Valves Fail

1) Improper Sizing

To properly size an industrial control valve, take the following steps:
  • Determine the process flow rate, pressure drop, and fluid properties.
  • Select the type of control valve based on the process conditions and application requirements.
  • Choose a valve with the correct Cv (flow coefficient) for the desired flow rate and pressure drop.
  • Consider the operating temperature, pressure, and any special requirements (such as high-temperature, corrosive, or abrasive fluids).
  • Check that the valve meets all applicable industry standards.
Always consult a control valve manufacturer or an engineer with expertise in control valves for a more accurate and detailed evaluation.

2) Improper Installation

To ensure the proper installation of an industrial control valve, take the following steps:
  • Verify that all valve components are correct and undamaged.
  • Check that the piping and valve are correctly aligned and supported.
  • Use the proper gaskets and seals to prevent leakage.
  • Check the actuator mounting and connection to the valve body.
  • Make sure the control wiring is correct and properly connected.
  • Test the valve's operation and adjust as necessary.
  • Flush the piping system to remove any debris before installation.
  • Follow all relevant safety procedures and guidelines.
It is critical to consult with the valve manufacturer's installation manual and guidelines and have a professional trained in industrial control valve installation conduct the installation process.

3) Material Incompatibility

Material compatibility refers to the ability of a material to resist chemical attack, degradation, and corrosion from the process fluid. Material compatibility in industrial control valve installation is crucial because it ensures the valve's long-term reliability and prevents premature failure.

Ensure proper material compatibility by following these steps:
  • Identify the chemical composition of the process fluid and any potential impurities.
  • Determine the operating temperature and pressure of the fluid.
  • Select valve components made of materials compatible with the fluid and conditions.
  • Consider the effect of any potential impurities on the valve components.
  • Choose materials that have sufficient corrosion resistance to prevent degradation.
You need to consult a control valve manufacturer or a materials engineer for expert guidance on material selection for a specific application.

4) Erosion/Corrosion

Erosion and corrosion affect industrial control valves because they can lead to valve failure and reduce the valve's lifespan. Erosion occurs when fluid velocity in the valve causes physical wear on the valve components. Corrosion is the chemical degradation of the valve material due to exposure to harsh chemicals or corrosive environments.

Mitigate erosion and corrosion with the following measures:
  • Using corrosion-resistant materials such as stainless steel, Hastelloy, or titanium.
  • Applying protective coatings like nickel plating, hard-chroming, or ceramic coatings.
  • Regular inspection and maintenance to detect signs of wear and corrosion and replace parts before failure occurs.
  • Using proper fluid handling practices, such as filtration, to remove abrasive particles from the process media.
  • Installing isolation devices like piping spools, strainers, or blow-off valves to protect the valve.
These measures help ensure reliable operation and extend the life of industrial control valves.

5) Overloading

Overloading refers to a situation in which an industrial control valve is subjected to a load or stresses greater than its design capacity, causing damage or failure. Overloading occurs due to various factors, including improper sizing, incorrect application, or changes in operating conditions.

Prevent overloading with the following measures:
  • Proper sizing of the valve based on the operating conditions and fluid characteristics.
  • Use a suitable type of valve for the specific application, such as a high-pressure control valve for high-pressure systems.
  • Regularly monitor operating conditions and fluid characteristics to detect changes and adjust the valve settings accordingly.
  • Maintain the valve according to the manufacturer's instructions and replace worn or damaged parts.
  • Use a safety relief valve or bypass system to relieve excess pressure and protect the control valve.
By following these measures, industrial control valves can be protected from overloading and failure, ensuring reliable operation and system safety.

6) Excessive Wear

Excessive wear on industrial control valves can significantly impact their performance. The following are some ways excessive wear can affect the performance of control valves:
  • Reduced accuracy: Worn components can cause the valve to become misaligned or damaged, affecting its ability to control fluid flow accurately.
  • Increased leakage: Worn seals, seats, or other components can cause increased fluid leakage, affecting the overall performance of the valve.
  • Decreased flow control: Worn components can alter the flow characteristics of the valve, causing it to become less responsive or to control flow inaccurately.
  • Increased pressure drop: Excessive wear can cause an increase in the pressure drop across the valve, reducing system efficiency and increasing energy costs.
  • Increased maintenance requirements: Wear and damage to the valve components can result in increased maintenance needs, adding to operational costs and reducing reliability.
Prevent excessive wear of the control valves by regularly inspecting, maintaining, and replacing them as needed to ensure optimal performance and reliability.

7) Improper Maintenance

Improper maintenance of industrial control valves can have a significant impact on their performance, including:
  • Reduced accuracy: Neglecting to perform regular calibrations or making incorrect adjustments to the valve can lead to reduced accuracy in flow control.
  • Increased leakage: Failure to replace worn or damaged seals and gaskets can result in increased fluid leakage, affecting the valve's overall performance.
  • Decreased flow control: Improper cleaning or repairs can alter the flow characteristics of the valve, reducing its ability to control flow accurately.
  • Increased pressure drop: Neglecting to clean or replace dirty or clogged components can increase pressure drop across the valve, reducing system efficiency and inflating energy costs.
  • Increased downtime: Improper maintenance can lead to valve failure, resulting in increased downtime and decreased productivity.
It is essential to follow the manufacturer's instructions and perform regular, scheduled maintenance to ensure optimal performance and reliability of industrial control valves.

8) Process Contamination

Process contamination in industrial control valves can harm operation by clogging or eroding internal parts, causing valve malfunction or failure. It can also lead to decreased process efficiency and increased maintenance costs. Prevent process contamination by implementing the following steps:
  • Proper material selection: Using appropriate materials that are resistant to the specific process fluid and contaminants is vital.
  • Regular maintenance: Regular cleaning and replacement of internal components can help prevent a build-up of contaminants.
  • Installing filtration systems: Installing filters upstream from control valves can help remove contaminants before they reach the valve.
  • Installing protection devices: Installing protective devices, such as strainers or deflectors, can help prevent larger particles from entering the valve and causing harm.
  • Implementing best practices: Following best practices, such as avoiding sudden changes in flow rate, can help prevent process contamination and prolong valve life.
9) Aging or Fatigue Failure of Valve Components

Aging or fatigue failure of valve components can have a significant impact on industrial control valves, leading to the following issues:
  • Reduced efficiency: Worn-out or degraded components can cause control valves to operate less efficiently, leading to increased energy costs and decreased production.
  • Increased downtime: Aging or fatigued components can result in more frequent breakdowns, causing increased downtime and maintenance costs.
  • Decreased reliability: Over time, components can weaken and fail, reducing the reliability of control valves and increasing the risk of failure.
  • Leakage: Aging or fatigued components can result in leaks, causing loss of process fluid and potentially causing harm to the environment.
  • Decreased safety: Worn-out or degraded components can increase the risk of valve failure, which can have profound safety implications in some industrial processes.
It is essential to regularly inspect and maintain control valves to detect and replace aging or fatigued components to prevent these types of failures and maintain efficient, reliable, and safe operation.

Miller Energy, Inc.

Basics of Mass Flow Controllers (MFCs)

Basics of Mass Flow Controllers (MFCs)

MFCs work by measuring the mass of the process fluid flowing through them and using this information to control the flow rate. They typically use a flow sensor to measure the flow rate and a control valve to regulate the flow. The control valve is usually a variable area flow meter or a valve that can be opened or closed to adjust the flow rate.

MFCs are used in a variety of applications, including chemical processing, semiconductor manufacturing, and environmental monitoring. They are often used to control the flow of gases in chemical reactions, to regulate the flow of fluids in manufacturing processes, and to monitor and control the flow of gases in environmental monitoring systems.

MFCs are highly accurate and precise and can maintain a constant flow rate over a wide range of process conditions. They are also relatively easy to install and maintain and can be integrated into various process control systems.

There are many applications for mass flow controllers (MFCs) in process control. Some examples include:

  • Chemical processing: MFCs can be used to control the flow of reactants and catalysts in chemical reactions, ensuring consistent product quality and yield.
  • Food and beverage processing: MFCs can be used to control the flow of ingredients in the production of beverages, sauces, and other food products.
  • Pharmaceutical manufacturing: MFCs can be used to control the flow of active ingredients and excipients in the production of medications.
  • Petrochemical processing: MFCs can be used to control the flow of fluids in the refining and processing of oil and natural gas.
  • Environmental control: MFCs can be used to control the flow of gases and liquids in air pollution control systems, water treatment plants, and other environmental applications.
  • Semiconductor manufacturing: MFCs can be used to control the flow of gases and liquids in the production of semiconductor devices.
  • Aerospace and defense: MFCs can be used to control the flow of gases and liquids in a variety of aerospace and defense applications, including propulsion systems, life support systems, and fuel systems.
For more information about mass flow controllers in NY, NJ, PA, DE, MD and OH contact Miller Energy, Inc. Call 800-631-5454 or visit

What is Refractometer Critical Angle Measurement?

What is Refractometer Critical Angle Measurement?

Vaisala refractometers use the critical angle measurement principle. A refractometer's three essential components are a light source, a prism, and an image detector. 

The light source sends rays to the prism and process interface at different angles. Rays with a steep angle partly reflect at the image detector and partially refract at the process. Low-angle rays reflect entirely on the detector. The angle from which the total reflection starts is called the critical angle. 

The CCD camera detects a bright and dark field corresponding to partly reflected and totally reflected light. The position of the borderline between the bright and the dark area correlates with the critical angle, which is a function of the refractive index and correlates with the solution's concentration.

A built-in temperature sensor measures the temperature T on the interface of the process liquid. The sensor converts the refractive index nD and temperature T into concentration units. 

Vaisala K-PATENTS refractometer can indicate different scales, for example, Brix, liquid density, or concentration by weight. The diagnostics program ensures that the measurement is reliable.

Miller Energy, Inc.

Industrial Automated Ball Valves from Miller Energy

Industrial Automated Ball Valves from Miller Energy

Oil & Gas, Refining, Petrochemical, Chemical Processing, Pulp & Paper, Mining, Transportation, Food and Beverage, Pharmaceuticals, Marine, HVAC, Power, and other industries rely on Miller Energy for high-performance ball valve automation.

Miller Energy supplies automated ball valve assemblies ranging from 1/2 inch to 48 inch, providing first-rate quality, exceptional performance, and long-term reliability. Before shipping from the factory, every valve assembly is inspected and tested by the valve automation shop. 

A-T Controls valve automation center creates high quality ball valve assemblies, significantly reducing the time you need to spend on the project site. Automation professionals get extensive training, and each valve assembly, pneumatic or electric, is put through a battery of functional tests before being sent to customers. All valve assemblies go through a process of inspection and validation utilizing quality assurance documentation that is numbered and labeled. On request, we can provide you with assembly drawings, actuator size verification, and datasheets.

With access to inventory and highly skilled teams, Miller Energy delivers the customer solutions required to meet most valve and actuator needs while giving both a reasonable price and the industry's quickest turnaround.
Phone: 800-631-5454

6 Reasons to Choose Brooks SLA Series Mass Flow Controllers

Brooks SLA Series Mass Flow Controllers

As firms migrate from Fieldbus to Ethernet networks, EtherNet/IP™ and PROFINET are the fastest growing digital communication technologies in industrial automation. They ship the newest industrial ethernet nodes, almost 64% of the market. EtherNet/IP ™and PROFINET enable users to collect relevant data that helps keep essential systems on track by linking devices to a single network. Information sent across EtherNet/IP™ and PROFINET networks provides better diagnostics, deviation alarms, and predictive maintenance, maximizing system uptime and lowering costs. 

As a result of this collaboration, Brooks Instrument has added EtherNet/IP™ and PROFINET protocols to its industry-leading SLA Series mass flow controllers (MFCs). The SLA5800 and SLAMf mass flow controllers support EtherNet/IP™ or PROFINET protocols and include advanced alarm and diagnostic capabilities.

Industry's Leading Ethernet Protocol Adoptions: EtherNet/IP™ and PROFINET 

The value proposition for EtherNet/IP™ and PROFINET is standard Internet and ethernet protocols. 
  • Options for star, ring, or daisy chain topologies. 
  • Operators can monitor real-time performance and network data by complying with IEEE Ethernet standards. 
  • Flexible network architecture compatible with ordinary Cat 5 cabling and routers simplifies network setup and guarantees all devices interact and exchange data. 
  • EtherNetIPTM and PROFINETTM enabled devices can provide rich data for process control, monitoring, diagnostics, and predictive maintenance.


Because EtherNet/IP™ and PROFINET use the Common Industrial Protocol (CIP™), support exists from a vast ecosystem of solution providers for industrial process automation. EtherNet/IP™ and PROFINET readily connect to a wide range of DCSs and PLCs, including: 
    • Allen-Bradley
    • Emerson 
    • Siemens
    • Rockwell


Due to the ability of contract manufacturers and end-users to use the EtherNet/IP™ and PROFINET protocols to: 
    • Cut operating costs 
    • Boost process efficiency, quality, yield, and output.


Brooks Instrument engineers worked with Rockwell Automation to provide an upgraded device profile that simplifies the setup and integration of the MFC into the Rockwell Automation (Allen-Bradley) PLC. The SLA5800 and SLAMf are now compatible with EtherNet/IP™ from renowned automation manufacturers. 

The upgraded device/add-on profile: 
    • Setup or edit any of the attribute tabs or parameters. The user determines which attributes are appropriate for their procedure. 
    • Removes the requirement for programming expertise to connect the MFC to the network.


On the SLA5800 and SLAMf with EtherNet/IP™ or PROFINET, we deliver on our promise to provide value without losing equipment space. Brooks Instrument designed EtherNet/IP™ and PROFINET directly into the mass flow controller, eliminating the need for add-on adapters or modules. The SLA5800 and SLAMf MFCs completely integrate EtherNet/IP™ and PROFINET. The EtherNet/IP™ or PROFINET equipped SLA5800 and SLAMf MFCs have the same footprint as the regular SLA5800 and SLAMf. They also link to your EtherNet/IP™ or PROFINET networks, eliminating the need for additional hardware such as gateways, analog I/O cards, or bespoke cabling and wires. All you need is standard ethernet wiring to get your device running and linked to the network.


The SLA5800 and SLAMf with EtherNet/IP™ or PROFINET have a user-friendly TCP/IP configuration. A web-based interface connects the MFC to the user's EtherNet/IP™ or PROFINET networks. Once on the network, the user can quickly identify individual MFCs, saving time if the system has several MFCs.


Intelligent and data-rich mass flow controllers, the SLA5800 and SLAMf with EtherNet/IP™ or PROFINET may improve operational efficiency in equipment automation, metrology, and maintenance. 

For example, limiting the upstream gas input pressure may affect MFC accuracy. The alarm data could be supplied to an operator via the built-in restricted flow alarm.
Miller Energy, Inc.

Miller Energy Is a Premier Manufacturer's Representative and Distributor of Process Instrumentation, Valves and Process Equipment

Miller Energy, Inc.

Miller Energy is an Industrial Instrumentation and Process Control Equipment Manufacturer's Representative and Distributor. We have been committed to exceeding our customers' expectations by providing unrivaled customer service and local technical support since 1958. We currently offer the most comprehensive range of measurement, control, and communication solutions in the industry.

Miller Energy provides a wide range of instrumentation and control solutions to many markets, including refining, water treatment, chemical production, and food and beverage. Miller's products are useful in applications that require measuring, controlling, monitoring, and analyzing pressure, temperature, level, flow, pH, O2, CO2, and various other process variables.

Miller Energy comprises the most technically savvy salespeople in the industry. All Field Sales Engineers are factory trained on all of our product lines. All Inside Sales/Technical Support Engineers are responsible for a specific product line and support our entire customer base. Intelligent geographic product distribution provides the most timely delivery for greater customer satisfaction.

Miller Energy has four office locations:

  • The South Plainfield, NJ, corporate headquarters serves Northern New Jersey, New York, and Fairfield County, Connecticut. 
  • The Exton, PA office serves Southern New Jersey, Eastern Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Maryland. 
  • The Pittsburgh, PA location serves Western Pennsylvania, Western Maryland, and West Virginia. 
  • The Cleveland, OH office serves Ohio. 

Miller Energy, Inc.

In New York Metro and Northern NJ

Phone: 800-631-5454

In Eastern Pennsylvania and Delaware:

Phone: 610-363-6200

In Western Pennsylvania:

Phone: 412-257-0200

In Ohio:

Phone: 440-735-0100