Magnetrol Model A15 Single-Stage Displacer Level Control Switches

Displacer switch operation is based upon simple buoyancy, whereby a spring is loaded with weighted displacers, which are heavier than the liquid. Immersion of the displacers in the liquid results in buoyancy force change, changing the net force acting on the spring. The spring compresses as the buoyancy force increases.

A magnetic sleeve is connected to the spring and operates within a non-magnetic barrier tube. Spring movement causes the magnetic sleeve to move into the field of a pivoted magnet, actuating a switch mechanism located outside the barrier tube. Built-in limit stops prevent over stroking of the spring, under level surge conditions.

The minimum differential band is approximately 6 inches (152 mm) in water and varies somewhat with liquid specific gravity. The maximum differential is determined by the length of the displacer suspension cable. Series A15 units are calibrated to operate over a narrow level differential band and are ideally suited for liquid level alarm applications on either high or low level.

For more information about Magnetrol Displacer Level Switches, contact Miller Energy, Inc. Call them at 800-631-5454 or visit their web site at