Electronic Displacer Liquid Level Transmitter - How it Works, When to Use It

Displacer liquid level transmitter diagram
Electronic displacer liquid
level transmitter using spring
Courtesy Magnetrol
An electronic displacer liquid level transmitter is intended for industrial applications requiring the continuous measurement of liquid level in a tank, vessel, or other containing space.

Magnetrol, a globally recognized leader in the design and production of level measurement instrumentation, describes the operating principle of their Digital E3 Modulevel® displacer level transmitter:
Electronic displacer level transmitter technology operates by detecting changes in buoyancy force caused by liquid level change. These forces act upon the spring supported displacer causing vertical motion of the core within a linear variable differential transformer.
The movement of the core within the LVDT generates an electrical signal which is further processed and serves as the output of the transmitter. The unit is designed to be externally mounted on a tank. Isolation valves are recommended.

The spring technology employed as a counterforce to the buoyancy of the displacer results in a stable signal that is not impacted greatly by vibration, agitation, or turbulence of the measured liquid.

The video below provides more detail, covering the features and advantages of this level measurement technology and the Magnetrol instrument. Share your level measurement challenges and requirements with a product application specialist. The combination of your process knowledge and their product application expertise will produce effective solutions.