Vortex Flowmeter Delivers High Performance in Harsh Process Conditions

Yokogawa vortex flowmeter
digitalYEWFLO Vortex Flowmeter
Courtesy Yokogawa
In the process measurement and control field, vortex flowmeters are noted for their ruggedness, versatility, comparatively high accuracy, and absence of moving parts. They are compatible with numerous applications requiring measurement of flow in gases, liquids, and steam. The Yokogawa digitalYEWFLO vortex flowmeter is an accurate and stable device, even in harsh process conditions, and has a highly reliable and robust design that can deliver improvements in plant efficiency and reduced operating costs. It is available in several versions, one of which is multivariable, providing a calculated mass flow rate output.

Operating Principle

When a shedder bar is placed in a flow, Karman vortices are generated on the downstream side of the bar. The Karman vortices are detected by two piezoelectric elements installed in the upper part of the shedder bar. The vortex frequency is proportional to the flow velocity in a specific range of Reynolds numbers. Therefore, flow velocity or flow rate can be determined by measuring vortex frequency.

Noise Reduction

Noise caused by strong piping vibration may affect the accuracy of vortex frequency detection. The two piezoelectric elements in the digital YEWFLO are installed in a configuration that is polarized, so they are not affected by vibration in the flow or vertical directions. The noise of vortex (lift)- direction vibration is reduced by adjusting the outputs of the piezoelectric elements. Combining these features with the Spectral Signal Processing (SSP) function provides optimum and stable measurement.

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Handheld HART Communicator Boosts Field Technician Productivity

Handheld HART communicator for characterizing industrial process transitters
Yokogawa YHC5150X
The Yokogawa FieldMate family effectively supports the initial setup, daily maintenance, and troubleshooting for the maximum utilization of intelligent field instruments. FieldMate is a flag ship product of the FieldMate family which is a PC based full functional and full field protocol configuration tool. 

The YHC5150X FieldMate Handheld Communicator is the latest HART® Communicator from Yokogawa. All HART® field devices can be configured, polled, and trimmed utilizing a Windows Embedded CE™ based system for faster processing and greater storage capacity. All options are standard and no subscription is required. The YHC5150X is a full function, DD Direct, HART® Communicator supporting universal, common practice, and device specific commands for commissioning, configuration, and maintenance operations. 

A short listing of some of the more prominent features that make the YHC5150X a powerful universal HART communicator include...

  • Reads manufacturers' DDs in their native format without the need for translations 
  • HART®-compliant modem communicates with any registered or unregistered HART® Device 
  • Features an ergonomic, handheld design 
  • Enhanced 4.3" diagonal anti-glare touchscreen with color graphic display (no stylus required) 
  • Full QWERTY keyboard for commissioning new transmitters 
  • On-Demand Help Menus and teachable device-specific short cuts 
  • More than twice the battery capacity of any handheld communicator 
  • Manage device information through PC connection 
  • Integrated multi-language support
The video below provides additional detail and an overview of the product in action. More information on the HART Communicator, as well as other innovative products to improve productivity and effectiveness, is available from a product specialist.

Optimizing Level Control in Combined Cycle Gas Turbine Plants

Magnetrol® International and Orion Instruments®, both recognized global innovators in level measurement technology, provide optimizing solutions for liquid level control in combined cycle gas turbine plants and other similar applications.

An overall cost analysis can reveal savings in the range of 25% to 35% through the application of the most advantageous level measurement technology. Miller Energy, Inc. has developed a short presentation and discussion regarding recent developments now available in the Magnetrol® Eclipse Line of guided wave radar level instruments.

More detail is provided on the single page document provided below. Reach out to Miller Energy and learn how your operation may benefit from the application of guided wave radar level measurement technology.