Showing posts with label Magnatrol. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Magnatrol. Show all posts

Water and Wastewater Treatment Applications for the Magnetrol R82 Pulse Burst Radar Transmitters

The Magnetrol R82 Pulse Burst Radar transmitter performs across a wide range of applications. The R82 is designed to provide radar reliable process measurement in challenging, vapor saturated environments, at the cost of what you pay for an ultrasonic device. For water treatment, the Magnetrol R82 Pulse Burst Radar transmitter provides continuous level measurement at the lift station and coagulant feed tanks, in settling tanks during clarification, in polymer, filter, and lime slurry tanks during filtration, and for open atmosphere water reservoirs where the control technology must withstand punishing weather conditions.  In wastewater facilities, the R82 radar can control level at the lift station pump, open channel flow and screening system, monitor feed tanks containing chemical coagulants oxidants and phosphorous precipitation, measure splitter box in clarifier levels, control corrosion inhibitors, manage pH adjustment, mixed liquor and secondary clarifier levels, as well as activated sludge and digester level control.

Miller Energy, Inc.

Solenoid Valves - The Operational Basics

industrial solenoid operated valves
Industrial Solenoid Valves
A solenoid is an electric output device that converts electrical energy input to a linear mechanical force.

At the basic level, a solenoid is an electromagnetic coil and a metallic rod or arm. Electrical current flow though the coil produces a magnetic field, the force of which will move the rod. The movable component of the solenoid is linked to, or part of, the operating mechanism of another device. This allows the switched electrical output of a controller to regulate mechanical movement in another device and cause a change in its operation. A common solenoid application is the operation of valves.

A plunger solenoid contains a movable ferrous rod, sometimes called a core, enclosed in a tube sealed to the valve body and extending through the center of the electromagnetic coil. When the solenoid is energized, the core moves to its equilibrium position in the magnetic field. The core is also a functional part of valve operation. It's repositioning causes a designed changed in the valve operating status (open or close). There are countless variants of solenoid operated valves exhibiting particular operating attributes designed for specific types of applications. In essence, though, they all rely on the electromechanical operating principle outlined here.

A solenoid valve is a combination of two functional units.
  • The solenoid (electromagnet) described above.
  • The valve body containing one or more openings, called ports, for inlet and outlet, and the valve interior operating components.
Flow through an orifice is controlled by the movement of the rod or core. The core is enclosed in a tube sealed to the valve body, providing a leak tight assembly. A controller energizing or de-energizing the coil will cause the valve to change operating state between open and closed, regulating fluid flow. There are almost countless variants of solenoid operated valves, specifically tailored for applications throughout industrial, commercial, and institutional operations.

The document provided below illustrates a portion of the broad array of solenoid valves available for industrial control applications. There are also some good cutaway illustrations showing the internal operating valve parts. Share your valve requirements and challenges with an application specialist. Combining your process application knowledge with their product expertise will produce effective solutions.